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The Best of Baobab: Moisturizing Benefits

Baobab is a tree from Africa and Australia that produces fruit and has been used for centuries to combat issues associated with aging skin. Baobab’s moisturizing benefits come from its high levels of vitamin C and E, as well as anti-inflammatory alpha and beta...

National Clean Beauty Day is July 15th

Originally Published by National Today July 15 is National Clean Beauty Day, to celebrate the clean beauty movement — products that are mindfully created, produced with healthful ingredients, sustainably and ethically sourced and made with the health of our bodies and...

How to Reduce the Visible Signs of Aging

Aging is inevitable, and while we can control certain consequences of the aging process with healthy habits and awareness of our bodies, inside and out, the better we treat our bodies, the better they are going to treat us. We live every day with our skin exposed to...